Friday, December 17, 2021

 Loathing lieder


All of us have things in life which we don’t like. Working’s a good one; most of us do it because we have to, rather than loving our job or profession. Exercise is another. Really, is there anyone who actually likes it rather than feels the need to do it? Do all those sweaty, flushed people go to the gym or for long runs because it’s the peak of their week or because it’s exercise or die!

But there are some things which go beyond dislike into the realm of hatred and loathing. Take custard, for instance, the slimy sweetness of it and of its first cousin, crème patisserie which goes under the fruit in a tart. My food loathing is various. Up there near the top are mangoes; I can’t even bear to smell them let alone eat them. Or eggplant – tasteless mush with a bitter flavour, or humous or tahini, equally bitter. Along with most people I loathe the skin which forms on hot milk. This hatred began in my pre-school days when my brother and I attended the early 1950s equivalent of kindie. It was run by Matron – really, she was called Matron – who fed us inter alia cocoa which always had scum on the top. I developed many more food loathings as I grew. Cold cooked veg was one, probably because of one occasion when I refused to eat my string beans and my mother made me stay at the table until I did, when they were cold, soggy and congealed.

I’m not sure where I picked up my loathing of tomatoes with eggs or for poached eggs or soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs cooked by someone else. I also loathe seafood, not just because I’m Jewish and seafood other than fish is forbidden but just because they’re awful – to look at or to eat.

My mother, bless her, was not an enthusiastic cook and my father had an extremely limited range of foods he would eat. There was a suite of maybe 10 meals which rotated, accompanied by a very restricted list of veg: potatoes, onions, carrots, occasional cabbage, peas and the aforementioned beans were more or less it, except for exotic vegetables like parsnips and turnips which were only used to make soup. Salads were iceberg lettuce, cucumber, celery and tomatoes. The absolute pits in my teenage lexicon of food loathing were twofold: my mother’s fish soup (made by boiling up fish in milk – aargh!) and my grandmother’s kasha, cooked buckwheat which stank so badly it forced me to the garden. Until I met my spouse, I had never eaten a mushroom or a capsicum. I’ve adapted to mushrooms but capsicums don’t like me much as I don’t like them; not loathing precisely but serious avoidance.

Another loathsome activity in our house was the process of making chicken soup. It began, naturally enough, with the raw chickens but in those days kosher chickens were absolutely dirty, still half covered with feathers and feather stumps. So job number one was lighting a candle, letting wax drip onto the draining board near the sink and sticking on the candle. The chicken carcass was then waved over the candle flame until the feathers were seared off and then the base bits were plucked. Next task was excavating the innards of the fowl where all sorts of disgusting things were found. Boiling water was used at this stage. Finally chicken shears were used to cut up the bird and it was put into a big chicken-cooking-pot, covered with cold water which was brought to the boil and skimmed. When relatively clear, parsnips, turnips, tomato, carrot, onion, parsley and celery were put in and the soup simmered for hours. When judged to be cooked, the chicken pieces were removed and the veg pressed through a sieve, The boiled chicken was so absolutely flavourless that only one uncle in our extended family would eat it, but the soup … ambrosial!

Moving away from food (as I wish I did more often) I have developed a loathing for lieder, mournful-sounding German language songs in the classical repertoire often delivered by very low-voiced chaps or mezzo sopranos. The genre developed principally through the efforts of Franz Schubert who wrote 600 of them including two well-known cycles: Die Winterreise (The Winter’s Journey) and Die Schöne Müllerin (The Miller’s Lovely Daughter) but the pits, the absolutely most awful of the genre, are Richard Strauss’s Four Last Songs; to these I can only say Goodbye and Good Riddance. I also loathe counter-tenors; I think they’re creepy and now that women are allowed to sing in pubic there’s surely no need for them at all! I used to loathe any and all opera but over the decades I’ve come to love Baroque and other early opera, and I can tolerate most others; I reserve loathing just for most modern operas. The problem with loathing certain types of music is that I listen to classical music all day and part of the night. In my lovely upstairs quarters, I have stereophonic sound: two radios, each in different rooms. If lieder come on, or some modern opera, I’m forced to switch channels to ABC News Radio which finds me occasionally listening to the AFL – remarkably tolerable.

Other loathsome things include horror movies, my grandson’s choice of music, watching films with any combination of grandchildren who talk all the way through, being tickled and the back view of almost all women who show that they evidently do not possess mirrors.


Quote of the week from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations:

Noel Coward writing to T.E. Lawrence in the RAF: “Dear 338171 (May I call you 338)”.

And of course: “Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.”


Friday, December 10, 2021


Lost socks and dinosaurs 

When my children were small, I often wondered where the single socks went after they got lost in the washing machine.

As a resident grandmother for more than six years, I found some time ago that the same mystery surrounded lost dummies. My then three-year-old had sufficient dummies purchased for him to have cornered the dummy market but inevitably at any one time there were only two to be found. Sometimes we had a dummy crisis and couldn't find even one. So where are they? They were not under the various beds or behind the various couches, they were not with the bath toy collection or the box of animal figures. A mystery, up there with crop circles.

Of course life being in some sort of balance most of the time, there are other things which accumulated in their place.

Like dinosaurs – lots and lots and lots of dinosaurs, large and small. Dinosaurs with unpronounceable names like pachycephalosaurus although the youngest could manage that with ease when he was not much more than three. And books and books about dinosaurs including an encyclopaedia which was almost too heavy for him to lift. For a long time this was the favoured night time reading and he insisted on paging through the entire book.

The older boy began collecting other books (cue grandma's soppy smile) and was happy to regale us with facts about the biggest, highest, largest, fastest and so on things in the known universe – when he was not playing Minecraft of course. He now plays Minecraft full time and the facts-person is now the seven-year-old; when he needs to sit on the toot he calls out to me to come for “fact time”.

In terms of kitchen paraphernalia, we have a substantial collection of less than useful household gadgets like an orange press which doesn't have the strength to press, a slow cooker which burns the stew, a scent burner of unspeakable ugliness and a very small electric nut chopper which can't.

We also have collections of other things like water bottles, lunch boxes, broken toys, puzzles with bits missing (lots of these) and “crystals” imagined from garden stones.

I used to collect 2L milk bottle screw tops for the kindie's art supplies and still round up dead batteries to deposit in an eco-friendly store's battery collection box.

And then there are screws, washers and nails which accumulate in small numbers here and there leaving us to wonder what will fall off for the want of a nail …

We also have several collections of screwdrivers, Phillip’s head and regular, littered throughout the house including the kitchen where frying pan handles need regular tightening.

And this is to say nothing about the clothing mistakes, collected in bags to go to Vinnies or the Red Cross.

I have many collections in my sewing room. Let’s start with patchwork fabric. I have two large bookcases packed with hundreds of folded swatches of fabric in a kaleidoscope of colours. As I’ve said before, in my next life I’m picking a cheaper hobby. As someone observed when I began to patchwork, you take largish pieces of fabric, cut them up, then sew them back together again. Put that way …

I also have a world class, gold medal winning collection of coloured threads – wools and cottons and exotic threads spun from second-hand saris. I have a lovely collection of beads, another of wools and a small collection of raffia and string from my brief foray into basket making.

There is also an embarrassment of tin boxes which once held Christmas cake or Danish butter biscuits, all of them filled with unfinished embroidery or tapestry projects. Ah well, one day their day might come …


Quote of the week from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations:

Of Gerald Ford in 1974. “A year ago he was unknown throughout America, now he’s unknown throughout the world.”




Friday, December 3, 2021

 More lost things


Did your mother ever give you a “cat’s lick and a promise”? This was when there wasn’t time for a bath so she washed your face and hands with a flannel (English-speak for a face washer) before pyjamas and bed. This phrase and many others seem to be drifting out of the English language although probably balanced by phrases drifting in. But as Grandma is not only grumpy but functionally illiterate in modern culture, I don’t know any of those.

As to those we are losing, how about “The pot calling the kettle black”; I haven’t heard that for many a year. And speaking of pots, one of my uncles had a mantra regarding tea making: “Take the pot to the kettle not the kettle to the pot”. Tea leaves were supposed to be covered by still boiling water to draw out the best flavour. My grandmother, incidentally, used to knit tea cosies, another lost art. They were knitted in at least two colours and the wool pulled behind each colour change, giving an inside padding to keep the tea pot warm. I received a lovely surprise at the wonderful Tumburumba Pioneer Women’s Hut, a place where the ordinary is celebrated, not the extraordinary. At this museum you are encouraged to touch the collection, so I was pulling out a draw to look at its contents and found 20 or 30 of the same tea cosies Nana knitted.

I have written a book (as yet unpublished – do any of you know anyone in the publishing industry?) which I’ve called after another vanished phrase: “A cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down”. Women at home (well ok, they were called housewives) frequently led lives of quiet desperation. Despite the fact that women took jobs throughout World War II, they were back at home in the ‘50s and except for trips to the shops and to walk the children to or from school they were always at home. Many resorted to a pharmaceutical product called Bex Powders which apparently dulled the misery; along with a cup of tea and a good lie down they would help to get the woman through the day. Unfortunately it did bad things to the woman’s insides so it was eventually taken off the market.

Sometimes a product on the market today is named from a lost phrase. For example I’m guessing that the cleaning product called Jiff may have come from the phrase “just a jiffy” meaning in just a short time. And sometimes matters were reversed. So the product Vegemite gave rise to the phrase “we’re happy little Vegemites” from the advertising jingle.

The full jingle went: “We’re happy little Vegemites as bright as bright can be. We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea. Our mummies say we’re growing stronger every single week because we love our Vegemite, we all adore our Vegemite, it puts a rose in every cheek.”

Another advertising jingle, possibly written by the same musical genius, ran thus: “I love Aeroplane Jelly, Aeroplane Jelly for me; I have it for dinner, I have it for tea, a little a day is a good recipe. I like Aeroplane Jelly, Aeroplane Jelly for me. I like it for dinner, I like it for tea, a little each day is a good recipe. The quality’s high as the name will imply, it’s made from pure fruit, one more good reason why, I like Aeroplane Jelly, Aeroplane jelly for me.”

Sometimes a phrase utilised a similarity of sound to cover up or ameliorate another word. A perfect example is “None of your beeswax” with beeswax a substitute for the word “business” but sounding far less angry. Or how about “your Sunday is longer than your Monday” which meant that your slip (or petticoat) was showing beneath your skirt. I suppose talking about undergarments was another thing you didn’t do.

I recall an odd phrase regarding fashion: “Blue and green should never be seen” (together, implied). I recall having a “cocktail” dress made in a delicious patterned silk which used peacock blues and greens together, and thinking I was very daring. Cocktail dresses are another thing which has gone. In my late teenage and early 20s, you had to have dresses to fit the occasion and if you wore an ordinary dress to a cocktail party you felt humiliatingly out of place. I also had no fewer than three long dresses in my wardrobe as, again, there were occasions like wedding or barmitzvah celebrations where long dresses were de rigeur. If you wore your cocktail dress to a wedding, more humiliation.

And the above also reminds me of something my father used to say when I complained about having to sleep with curlers in my hair: “You have to suffer for beauty”. Where he got this maxim from is a mystery. I love the up front and personal criticism of an older woman trying to look younger: “Mutton dressed up as lamb”. It was fear of this which made me cut off my marvellous ringlets which had given me a good hair decade well into my forties. Another phrase struck home similarly: “She looks like a geriatric Shirley Temple”.

In the sixties there was “Ban the Bomb”, “nice girls don’t …” (but some of them certainly did!), a “baker’s dozen” still existed, children were supposed to be “seen and not heard”, first names were “Christian names”, “feed a cold and starve a fever” was a nostrum as was “you have to eat a peck of dirt before you die” (a peck being an old measure) and “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Those whose intellect was challenged were called “not the full quid” (quid being Aust-speak for a pound which is what we had before dollars) or “a sandwich short of a picnic”. One comment which is old but I still use whenever I have to go upstairs a second time because I’ve forgotten something is: “I never use my head to save my feet”!


Quote for the week from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations:

British publisher Michael Joseph: “Authors are easy to get on with – if you are fond of children.”

Friday, November 26, 2021

 Lift drivers and other lost things (Part One)


Do you remember when lifts had human beings operating them? My favourite were the lift people in department stores announcing what was where: “Fifth floor, Manchester, sixth floor Ladies’ Fashion …”

So many jobs and “things” have simply disappeared in the brave new world of the twenty-first century. Take the telegram, for instance. In WWII telegrams often brought news of death in combat but also then and later, good news. Could it be that overseas telephone calls were too expense and telegrams cheaper? I think that telegrams were sent to your local post office then delivered to the house by a postman, but I’m not sure. Certainly there were telegrams sent with good wishes on a wedding day, usually messages from relatives overseas and read out traditionally by the best man. I understand that now there are gorillagrams and singing telegrams but I think the bog-standard telegram is in the past.

Speaking of postmen, when my family of orientation lived in a house we would leave out something for the postie at Christmas and also for the garbos, usually a slab of beer. (A family of orientation is the one you come from; the family you establish with spouse and children is your family of procreation; cute, I think)

Personal letters are fading into the past, replaced by email. No more thank you notes after a party or dinner; thanks are now delivered by computer. I cannot remember the last time I received a letter or wrote one and had to buy a stamp. Post offices are places you go when you need to send back an item purchased online. They are also retail precincts for a bizarre assortment of things. My daughter came home the other day after a visit to the post office with a rubber strap for backscratching in the shower, a special foam ball which you put in the dryer with your damp washing which apparently helps to eliminate wrinkles and a very large lint remover.

I’ve mentioned before the disappearance of guys in garages. They would come to your car and fill it with petrol then pump the tyres to whatever their pressure should have been. I’m not being sexist about “guys in garages”; I don’t recall ever seeing a lady doing the job.

There were charm bracelets, a kind of ante-diluvian Pandora bangle. Charms were usually symbols of where you’d been or what your interests were: a piano or violin if you played an instrument, an Eifel tower for France and I frankly don’t recall any others, but you could accumulate a whole wrist-full of them, attached to the original bracelet’s links, not threaded on a bangle in the Pandora style.

When I worked with my grandsons during lockdown, I discovered more things missing. I couldn’t see any evidence, for example, that they used plastic maps of Australia around which you would draw and then fill in the outline with information such as principle crops and the like. I also never saw the big boy use a compass or one of those dinky half circles with angles marked called, I think I recall, a protractor – or its companion triangle. And where have Derwent pencils gone. I remember the utter joy of being given a huge collection of Derwent coloured pencils, stored in tiers in a box which opened out to show you the whole wondrous collection. Of course the grandchildren have collections of coloured pencils and textas but nothing as delicious as the Derwents.

Also missing is Dressing Up To Go To Town. I recall putting on my best clothes (and I think gloves) for the train trip to the city, but I think this was past the time of wearing hats to town.

My mother and I would often go to Mark Foys, a rather gorgeous department store in the building on the corner of Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets which is now law courts.

However this paled into insignificance compared to another department store, Farmers (now Myers or Grace Bros), where there was a Penny Lady. She stood guard over the small resting room attached to the conveniences for which you had to pay a penny; hence the expression “to spend a penny” for “going to the loo”. My cousin Penny and I were so overwhelmed by the queenly magnificence of this woman that we decided we would be Penny Ladies when we grew up. (Penny’s name was not regarded as a problem as she would just be Penny the Penny Lady.)


Quote of the week, from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations;

American educator Robert M. Hutchins: “Whenever I fee like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes.”



Saturday, November 13, 2021

 Poetry pathways


This week, I’m going to treat you to a sliver of the wonderful world of slightly odd poetry. I’ve rabbited on before about poetry and how marvellous it is but there is definitely more in this story.

Take this snippet, which I hope I’ve remembered correctly:

“From noise of scarefires, rest ye free,

From murders, benedicite; (pronounce it ben-e-dic-it-ee and you get the rhyme)

From all mischances which may fright

Your pleasing slumbers in the night,

Mercy secure ye all,

And keep the goblin from ye, while ye sleep.”


Here’s another:

“Some angry angel,
Bleared by Bach and too inbred,
Climbed out of bed,
Pulled on a sock,
And, glancing downward,
Threw a rock
Which struck an earthbound peacock’s head.
The peacock fell.
The peacock’s yell,
Outraged by such treason,
Cried out to know why it,
Out of billions,
Should be hit,
And instantly invented a reason.”

The English poet Dryden coined this couplet:

“Great wits are sure to madness near allied,

And thin partitions do their bounds divide.”


Then there’s this offering from the poet John Skelton (1460-1529 and yes, of course I looked the dates up!)


“Ah, my bones ache, my limbs be sore;

Alas I have the sciatica full evil in my hip!

Alas where is the youth that was wont for to skip?

I am lousy and unliking, and full of scurf …”


I quoted this often to myself before my back operation when I, too, had “the sciatica full evil in my hip …”. And by the way, I’m fairly sure it’s pronounced louse-ee, not lousy.


As is well known, Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an opium addict; how’s this for a drug induced vision:


“In Xanadu did Kubla Khan

A stately pleasure-dome decree:

Where Alph, the sacred river, ran

Through caverns measureless to man

Down to a sunless sea.


Weave a circle round him thrice,

And close your eyes with holy dread,

For he on honey-dew hath fed,

And drunk the milk of Paradise.”


Then there are Clerihews, named after Edmund Clerihew Bentley.


Sir Humphrey Davy

Abominated gravy.

He lived in the odium

Of having discovered sodium.


Sir Christopher Wren said

I am going to dine with some men.

If anybody calls

Say I’m designing St Pauls.


Here’s an evocative poem by T.S. Eliot:


“The winter evening settles down

With smell of steak in passageways.

Six o’clock.

The burnt-out ends of smoky days.

And now a gusty shower wraps

The grimy scraps

Of withered leaves about your feet

And newspapers from vacant lots;

The showers beat

On broken blinds and chimney-pots,

And at the corner of the street

A lonely cab-horse steams and stamps.

And then the lighting of the lamps.”


And, finally, a little humour from Arthur Waley, translator of Chinese poetry.


“Families, when a child is born,

Want it to be intelligent.

I, through intelligence,

Having wrecked my whole life,

Only hope the baby will prove

Ignorant and stupid,

Then he will crown a tranquil life

By becoming a Cabinet Minister.”



Quote of the week from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations:


The actress Betty Grable:

“There are two reasons why I’m in showbusiness, and I’m standing on both of them.”


Saturday, November 6, 2021

 Blood and circuses

Our balcony looks like it recently hosted a chain saw massacre. There is blood all over the place. Thankfully, it’s fake blood which was being applied last week to a small flock of ghosts and ghoulies about to step out for a sugar hit. At one point there were six or seven of them and a gaggle of mothers painting them with makeup. All the children were, of course, dressing up for Halloween, a festival which the Grumpy Grandma disprizes and mutters against each year.

Why do we celebrate Halloween? It’s an American festival based on the annual Christian commemoration of All Hallows Eve, the day before Allhallowtide (November 1), the time in the Western Christian liturgical year to remember the dead including the saints; apparently the saints, with which the Christian Church abounds, can also be called “hallows”. Halloween probably originated in Celtic harvest festivals but became Christianised and its customs brought to the USA by Irish and Scots immigrants during the nineteenth century.

It wasn’t the first pagan tradition which made its way to Christianity. Christmas Day itself, December 25, was the birthday of Sol Invictus or the Unconquered Sun and Easter was originally a festival celebrating the spring equinox. The early Christians were clever in blending ancient traditions with Christian teaching but sometimes it went the other way around. Valentine’s Day on February 14 is descended from a celebration of one of the St Valentines (apparently Christianity had more than one saint of that name or similar and they were all martyrs) but has evolved into a day to mark romance. Some scholars believe the day as it came to be was a Christian whitewash of the Roman Lupercalia on the Ides of February (February 15), a festival which celebrated sex with a lot of hanky panky. (Remember the Ides of March when Julius Caesar got his come-uppance in a rather permanent way.)

I think I recently broke my seven-year-old’s heart by telling him that there wasn’t actually a Santa Claus coming down the chimney with presents on Christmas eve. Santa was, as I’m sure you all know, a composite invention of various Americans vaguely based on the 3rd Century CE St Nicholas, through the Dutch Sinter Klaas. He cheered up a bit when I reminded him that we celebrate Chanukah and he will get lots of chocolate money wrapped in gold paper.

Navigating through and around the various things children want to know is not easy. Pre-Covid and maybe sometime again in the next decade, I taught Jewish scripture to the handful of Jewish children at Mona Vale Public School. The material I use for teaching is prepared by the Board of Jewish Education and follows the basic Jewish traditions including, of course, the central tenet – teachings about God. The children would occasionally ask me if I believed in God. Happily, I remembered the way I taught my own children, using the handy phrase “most people think …”.

Mortality is another idea which worries the seven-year-old. Because I now have to wear a mask to sleep at night, I told the boys about my diagnosis of severe sleep apnoea and what it meant. Asher has taken to giving me cuddles at night-time and telling me not to go to sleep; he worries that I won’t wake up. I’ve promised him I’ll try to stick around till I’m really, really old (as opposed to just plain old, a stage I’ve already reached).


Quote of the week from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations:

Novelist L.P. Hartley: “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.”


Friday, October 29, 2021

 Weed management and other crucial issues


Apparently, I’m worried about weed management solutions, controlling sucking pests, glypholate (whatever this may be), government advertising on fossil fuels, the need to “kick fossil fuels out of my super”, climate change and domestic violence; oh, and I speak Spanish. My Kindle is infested with bizarre ads each time I refresh my Solitaire screen. And because I like to play Solitaire with my morning several cups of tea, the machine also thinks I like to gamble and advertises gambling sites in a strip at the top of the screen.

Saving the world is hard, one ad tells me. Well, I know that, thank you very much. We Jews are brought up on the notion of Tikkun Olam, the need to save/repair the world. Sorry it’s taken you multiple thousands of years to catch up.

All of which almost adds up to “Yaa Boo Sucks” for Artificial Intelligence.

Except for one other thing which is decidedly creepy. When I’m typing an email, the computer knows what I want to say and finishes my phrases or sentences for me. It also supposes that it’s better at grammar and punctuation than I am, a conclusion I would seriously debate. Mind you, considering the appalling level of grammar and punctuation one comes across in almost everything one reads, perhaps this computer aptitude is A Good Thing. Have you ever reflected how hard some people find it to know when and where to put the apostrophe in “it’s”! I would have thought this to be blindingly obvious but I’m wrong again.

I sometimes reflect on the fact that thanks initially to computers, this is the first generation in human history when children know more than adults. During the interminable weeks of “Grandma School” with the seven-year-old, the hours were punctuated by calls to the 12-year-old to navigate round some part of the computer and fix my various problems. The teachers, most of whom are much younger than my own children, all seem perfectly attuned to prepare lessons for on-line learning and talented at making the work colourful and appealing as well as necessary. Obviously teacher training has a large visual/computer component if occasionally deficient in broader knowledge. For example, they were teaching the children about onomatopoeia. I would have thought this word rather too adult but what do I know! Well, actually, I do know that you can’t ask children in a writing exercise to include “AN” onomatopoeia. Grrrrr!

I know I’ve lost the battle to keep media and data correctly plural. Media and data are – not is – but who cares these days. I also haven’t won the “using verbs as nouns” issue but I continue to tread my lonely path refusing to diarise. I won’t ever use the phrase “going forward” or tell you how some action has “impacted” the situation; what’s wrong with “had an impact on …”? I also loathe the radio journalists’ use of the un-verb “commentate”; it’s comment, dear. And there’s my other bugbear; collective nouns are supposed to take singular verbs. So the government is, not are; so is the local football team, the Council and multitudes of other examples.

I have recently come across some examples of modern language gone mad. These were genuinely used during a meeting very recently. The participants were urged to use a “pure bottom up cell backed view” and – this is priceless – “list and drop and then aggregate with some quantitative overlay”.

As Shakespeare said: “Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

However, I’m not entirely sure that any of these grammatical and punctuation issues are worth a row of beans. I suspect that I’m the one who’s wrong, not because any of the grammatical causes which I espouse are incorrect but just because it probably doesn’t matter any more and I’m just left out in the grammatical wilderness.



Quote of the week from Chambers Dictionary of Modern Quotations:

Samuel Goldwyn, renown for his mangling of the English language

“An oral contract is not worth the paper it’s written on.”

“They’re always biting the hand that lays the golden egg.”